Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Are You Sharing All This With Me?

I am sharing the RunAutoWithWater system with you because the time has come for all of us to take control back from the gas companies and to protect our environment. If we take action now, our kids and their kids can have coral reefs, green mountains and healthy air.
We also take feedback from the thousands of people who have purchased our do-it-yourself conversion manual to improve it even more. As a result of your feedback, and your suggestions, we will be able to continue to improve and maintain our position as one of the top conversion manuals in the world today. In order to do this, many people need to convert their cars.
There are millions of cars on the road today. The new technology of water powered or hybrid cars is still too far in the future or too expensive for most people. The high gas prices are causing stress and reductions of normal activities in many families. With such an easy solution, who wouldn't share it?
People need an additional income, and thousands upon thousands of people search every day for a way to make more money. By encouraging you to implement the RunAutoWithWater technology for yourself and to provide the services of installation to others, we are helping you create an additional income and at the same time improving the environment. While we do not give you rights to copy or conversion manuals, we do help you get started and sell your services to others to help them drive with water as well.
Finally, we encourage you to get started and implement this technology. And after you see how well it works for you, to refer other people to our website. In that way, you save money on gas and make money by referring other people to benefit as well. One of our major sources of clients is from word-of-mouth so we need you to help spread the word!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hydrogen Car Kits – The Anatomy of a Grassroots Movement

An ancient Chinese curse sounds like this: “May you live interesting times”. Well, if this is a curse, then we are all doomed.
Change is in the air. A critical point in humanity’s history has been reached and people are reacting instinctively to it, some with fear, some with bravery, but react to it still.
An ongoing chapter of this transformational age is the fuel crisis. The United States in particular has suddenly woken up to the grim fact that the era of cheap oil has come to an end. The sales of gas gurglers have reached an all time low, while the Toyota Prius is the new star.
Some people though recognized that in order to face the challenges of this new age a more radical shift is needed. Enter the world of the hydrogen car kit enthusiasts. With cheap components, some handy guides and a great deal of enthusiasm they are doing what the car manufacturers have always considered to be impossible. They are reaching mileages which the Detroit car factories can’t even fathom let alone reproduce.
At the center of this grassroots movement lays an old but forgotten innovation: Basically these people are splitting water and use the resulting hydrogen-oxygen gas (HHO gas or brown gas) as a super fuel additive.
There are no clear figures on how many people have already changed their lives using this technique, but if you pay close attention to the bumper stickers that these enthusiasts quite usually sport on their working cars you’ll see that their number is nearing critical mass.
This would be one of the very few times in history when a revolution has been bloodless, but a revolution that will have a huge impact nonetheless. Skeptics have predicted the end of the United States as a superpower for decades, but these stubborn and incurably optimistic people are the ones that will prove them wrong again and again.
How many other such movements are going on right now? How many other innovations will this time of crisis bring? Nobody knows for sure.
But there is one movement you can be a part of. You can become a hydrogen car kit enthusiast too. See  to understand how you can make the difference.

5 Misconceptions About Hydrogen Car Kits

As the innovative hydrogen car kits are now entering the mainstream there is a horrendous amount of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) being flung around. Whether you are interested in purchasing such a system or not it’s really worth to know the facts:
Fake Fact Number 1:
Hydrogen car kits sellers say that these burn water. This is nonsense and thus this whole movement is just a hype movement.
Hydrogen car kits do not burn water, because yes, that’s impossible. What they do is that they use the car battery to split the water into its components hydrogen and oxygen and use the resulting HHO gas or brown gas as it is called.
Fake Fact Number 2:
Hydrogen car kits can’t be useful. They spend more energy in splitting the water than they do from actually burning the resulting stuff. It’s basic physics.
If this is what hydrogen car kits would be actually doing, you’d be right. However the hydrogen gas is used as an additive which greatly improves the efficiency of the gasoline burning process. Basically, the mix burns faster and thus a much smaller amount of energy is dissipated as heat and converted into useful energy.
Fake Fact Number 3:
If this hydrogen thing would be really working then the car manufacturers would’ve used it a long time ago.
This is just blatantly false. Car manufacturers are very conservative in their designs. Diesel engines for example, which are much more efficient than standard ones have been with us almost for as long as cars themselves, yet they are still in minority. We don’t want to point any fingers here, but when these manufacturers compare the benefits of an improved design with the cost of modifying their assembly lines, the cost aware argument usually wins.
Fake Fact Number 4:
The price for the components of these hydrogen car kits must be huge.
This is again blatantly false. These systems were invented by people just like you and me who were passionate about making a difference. This means that they had low budgets and they had access only to off the shelve components. This is a grassroots movement and the cost really does reflect this.
Fake Fact Number 5:
If these hydrogen car kits really are this good, wouldn’t the government support them? There is absolutely no help from the government in this direction, which means that these things are absolutely useless.
You have reached a painful truth. Indeed, the government is not supporting such innovations, but not because these hydrogen car kits do not deserve, but rather because there are no huge corporate interests and lobbyists behind them. The only initiative of this type that the government is supporting is the ethanol fuel, which is not particularly efficient (especially in its corn variety), but which has the benefit of producing huge profits for the agribusiness establishment.
These are the pure, raw facts. If by any chance you have decided to try hydrogen car kits, you have our congratulations. A good place to find out more would be this:

Hydrogen Car Kits – What You Should Pay Attention To

Troubled times require desperate measures. While the usage of the brown gas HHO (split water) as a water additive for gasoline does not exactly fit this category, the incredible popularity that these hydrogen car kits have achieved lately is a proof of how desperately people want to change their lifestyle.
The problem with this hydrogen additive business is the fact that not all the players on the market are… let’s say… of top notch quality.
It pays a lot to analyze such offers, but it pays even more to know what you should be looking for:
Here are 5 tips when considering buying such a system:
1) You must first do no harm. This is a critical part. There are hydrogen car kits out there which when are employed can damage your car. Ideally a hydrogen car kit should not require messing up with your car’s engine or your car’s injection system.
2) Remember that hydrogen is dangerous. This is another critical part. Search for hydrogen car kits that store as little hydrogen gas as possible. Ideally the system should only generate hydrogen when needed.
3) Efficiency is the key. While most hydrogen car kits have improvements versus the early models, some are simply better than the others. Watch the efficiency figure. See how much such a system can increase the mileage on the average car.
4) Don’t buy into the hype. Look for figures. Salesmen are just that… salesmen. They can try to spin the facts, but they can’t hype the figures. Be on the lookout for technical specs and the minimum guaranteed results. These are the figures that matter, because these will most likely reflect the real quality of the product. If you somehow manage to obtain even better figures, then hey, you’ll have a pleasant surprise.
5) Look at the cost of the components and the cost of the hydrogen car kit guide. This is actually the last item you should pay attention to, but if you have 2 similar offers, it makes sense to go for the cheaper one.
It looks fairly complicated, but once you begin seeing the rationale behind this advice, you’ll see that it makes sense. One of the options, which I found and which passes all five tests from above is